TMI Correspondent Port Blair, June 19: The Dairy Farm Junction has become more congested recently, possibly due to the brick arrangements that may be laid on a test basis for the forthcoming development or beautification of the junction. Road users at Dairy Farm Junction have expressed great concern about the increased congestion. The space left for vehicle movement is minimal, causing difficulties for heavy vehicles passing through the junction. Developing and beautifying the junction is a good idea, and it is also necessary to construct dividers for safety. However, it should be kept in mind that schools are currently closed and will reopen in the first week of July, leading to a threefold increase in traffic. Additionally, airport passengers use the same road, which will further exacerbate traffic jams. They opined that the newly marked dividing portion on the road should be shortened to maintain the road's width. The dividers should also be constructed suitably according to...
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